A necessary decision to continue growing.
It has not been easy and I do not fully agree, but we want to continue offering you the best.
I want to be honest with you.
I need to be completely honest with you as I have been with my team. I have been thinking, analyzing and reflecting on every millimeter of Wabiks for some time to see what is failing and the time has come to make an URGENT DECISION.
I launched Wabiks with all my enthusiasm, effort and making great sacrifices eight years ago and I am super proud of how it has grown and evolved. I still remember the first socks I ironed in a room in my house. My friends were in charge of testing them in marathons and giving me feedback on how to improve them.
I still have my first socks with me!
I have made a lot of progress and have improved in all aspects. Wabiks has improved in quality, in designs, in being more sustainable, in incorporating expert people in my team , who have become like family, and who come to the factory every morning to give their best. We are pioneers and experts in our country in managing and operating the 360 machines (which were a huge investment and a complete success).
The future of Wabiks.
I want to continue growing with my team, I want to continue seeing Wabiks grow, it is the project of my life. Our goal is for Wabiks to not only be a sports socks brand, but also a positive force that has a tangible impact on our environment.
Due to the rapid growth that Wabiks has experienced in recent years, I decided to put myself in the hands of expert consultants to help me manage the company optimally. After studying and assessing the company, their response was the least desired of all.
We have losses at the end of the month!
In recent times, everything has gone up in price, from thread to ink, including lighting, new employees for the company's stated expansion... I could go to China (like other brands), but I refuse to do so for several reasons. For me and my team, it is essential to control the production process to ensure the quality we offer; to continue generating wealth in our country, and most importantly for me, to continue maintaining my team, we are a family.
A difficult decision.
After much reflection, I have made a difficult decision to readjust the prices. It is the only way that will help us! And thus continue to offer products of the highest quality , and remain sustainable. This measure is absolutely necessary to continue with the project, to continue to maintain Wabiks. This means that from September 9th the product will have a price increase of €1.50. This small price increase is essential to continue on this path and ensure that Wabiks will continue to be a brand you can trust. I know that this change is important , and for that reason, I want to offer you the opportunity to take advantage of these prices until Sunday 8th , when the readjustment will take effect. It's like buying at a discount! As always, I will be happy to help you with anything you need and listen to any concerns you may have, as well as any ideas/alternatives you may have, please let me know through the channels we have available.
Once again, thank you.
I can only thank you for your understanding and trust in us all this time. Seeing that you like our sports socks makes us want to continue working at our best. I can assure you that we really want to continue adding and improving our products. We have millions of ideas to keep surprising you!
Thanks for sticking around on this journey, watching Wabiks continue to grow!
Thanks for doing it together!
With love, Ruben.